We normally think that long words are only used for medical and/or scientific terms. That's what I used to think, too!
Here are some looooong words that we could also use in our daily conversation... that is if we can remember them and pronounce them properly!
Sesquipedalian: a word for a person who uses long words.
Crytoscopophilia: The urge to look through peoples windows as you pass by their houses
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: The fear of long words
Batrachophagous: A person who eats frogs.
Blandiloquence: A flattery or complimentary speech.
Brachydactylous: Having short and blunt fingers.
Catapedamania: Having an obsession with jumping from high places.
Deorsumversion: Turning downwards.
Dolichocephalic: Long-headed.
Defenestrate - to throw out of a window.
Discombobulate - To upset or confuse, to disconcert
Ellogofusciouhipoppokunurious: Good.
Electrodynamometer: An instrument for measuring electric current.
Electroencephalogram: A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain.
Floccinaucinihilipilification: Setting at little or no value.
Fantasticalness: The quality of being fantastic.
Fibriophobia: Having fear of fever.
Pulchritudinous: Very beautiful
Haussmannize: To open out or to rebuild.
Honorificabilitudinity: Honorableness.
Ichthyophagous: Fish-eating.
Incomprehensibleness: Impossible to know or fathom.
Juglandaceous: Liking or pertaining to walnuts.
Macrocephalous: Having a large head.
Maschalephidrosis: Massive sweating of the armpits.
Nigroglobulate: The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto.
Orphanotrophism: Care and support of orphans.
Podobromhydrosis: Smelly feet.
Quomodocunquize: Making money in any possible way.
Quinquagenarian: Person between the ages of 50 and 59.
Quasquicentennial: One hundred twenty-fifth anniversary.
Rhinotillexomania: Compulsive nose picking.
Raillery: Good-humored banter or teasing
Scurryfunge: a hasty tidying of your house between the time you see a neighbour and the time they knock.
Spectroheliokinematograph: Camera for taking pictures of the sun.
Umbraculiform: Shaped like an umbrella.
Unconsentaneous: Not in agreement.
Whereinsoever: In whatsoever respect or place.
Xenodocheionology: Love of hotels.
Zalambdodont: Having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges.
Pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism: The false support of the idea that a government should not support the church.
Honorificabilitudinitatibus: The state being able to achieve honors.
'Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu' is the longest word in the English language, which is the name of a place.